Sunday, March 31, 2013

Storing Breast Milk

Breast milk can be deceiving once pumped and stored. It turns chunky and smelly and greenish, something that isn't acceptible when thinking abut regular milk. But actually, those characteristics have nothing to do with the validity of the breast milk. The best factor to deal with breast milk is timing. That's the only reliable factor that will tell you whether it is safe for your baby to drink or not.

In the fridge, the breast milk can hold up to a week. Make sure you date and time your breast milk containers as you pump them, and do not store them in the door of the fridge. Store the milk in the back of the fridge.

In the freezer, breast milk can hold up to 30 days. Again, date and time you pumped it, and do not store the milk in the freezer door.

To heat up store milk, do not microwave it. You will kill nutritious elements of it, and risk scalding your baby's tongue.

Tips to getting more breast milk through the pump.

Taking a hot shower with intense water pressure on your breast will increase milk flow.
Pump one breast while you breastfeed on the other.
Pump more frequently to increase milk production.

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