Sunday, March 31, 2013

Early Intervention for Asperger's Syndrome

Early Interventions for Asperger's Syndrome

The last statistic I heard was that 1 in 150 children born will be diagnosed with Autism. I always thought my son was a little different but I never expected him to be tagged with the Autism label. He was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, a neurobiological disorder where a child, usually a boy, has normal language and intelligence development but exhibits autistic-like behaviours and has marked deficiencies in communication and social skills.

Some of the early signs are putting their toys, ususally cars, in a straight line. They don't like change or deviation. They become very pre-occupied with one subject and don't often make eye contact. They may flap their hands or bang their heads.

The earlier you see the signs and receive the diagnosis the better. It is imperative that you begin the therapies that your child requires in order to have him or her mainstream in the public school system.

I still disagree with my son's diagnosis but I believe that all the interventions we have put in place are what he needs. The diagnosis also protects him in the school setting. If he didn't have the diagnosis and the Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.) that goes with it, he would probably be struggling and definitely would not be receiving the help he needed. I am not in denial about his issues and as a parent being in denial can be the worst thing you do for your child.

Children don't care that one of their peers may be going to Occupational Therapy or receiving social work at school but they do care if your child is not acting appropriately. A child with an autism spectrum disorder has social differences. You need to first and foremost socialize your child. You need to schedule and maintain play-dates. Even if the play-dates are stressful on you because of behaviour problems or they don't go well, continue them anyways. They will get better.

Try to keep the play dates to just one other child and start them off in short time increments. Begin by setting a one hour play-date and try to have a quieter setting. Don't start at a McDonald's play land. Autistic children often have sensory issues and can't handle too many children and too much noise. Find children who are easy going. They will be the better play mates. If your child starts to melt down, end the play-date early. Your child has had enough and needs to disengage. Don't ever be embarrassed. Every child melts down and you will start to see what triggers the meltdowns and re-direct your child before it happens.

A parent of an autistic child, is with their child 24/7. It is necessary that you are there and that your child can depend on you. You are their safety net. Believe me, they will start to become more independent but in their own time. You can't push them.

Try to seek help with an adult social worker as well. My son receives social work through school which is free. We also met with a counselor recommended by the Neuropsychologist who did his testing but it ended up to be too expensive and I wasn't seeing any improvement. We had been told she worked with groups and that is what we had wanted for him but when I met with her she wasn't currently handling small groups. A small group session with a counselor would be great if you can find it.

Occupational or physical therapy is another wonderful early intervention. My son has many occupational therapy needs. We started him on occupational therapy the summer before 1st grade and I wish we had started earlier. He goes for motor planning, coordination, upper-body strengthening and core strengthening as well as fine motor skills. Most children with Asperger's Syndrome have all of these issues. Over the course of the last 2 years he has improved tremendously. We were even able to remove the adaptive P.E. teacher off of his I.E.P. because he is doing so well.

Work with your child at home too. Throw a ball and add something else in such as jumping on a trampoline while catching back and forth. This helps with visual motor planning. Work on handwriting, another issue that goes with the fine motor skill problems.

Most insurance plans cover Occupational Therapy for 30 sessions. In Illinois they are mandated by an autism law passed in December 2008 to pay if they didn't cover it already. Some other states are following suit. We had been going to one facility for over a year when we had to switch. The O.T. we were using was not in-network with our new insurance company, therefore, we had to switch. It was just too expensive otherwise. He is actually happier at the new place. Everything happens for a reason.

One thing that I am very happy we did was take our son to Pfeiffer Institute. They treat people with chemical inbalances and they put them on a vitamin therapy that meets their needs. Our son had his blood, hair and urine analyzed. The results came back that he had low hystimine, low zinc and elevated copper in his system. Pfeiffer compounds the vitamins based on the results. I never told the school that we did this and his first grade teacher came to me about 3 weeks after I had him on the vitamins and said, "It seems as if a light bulb went off in his head socially." I truly believe Pfeiffer has helped him.

I had tried multivitamins before going to Pfeiffer Institute but he became hyper. I later found out that many multivitamins will raise copper levels or contain caffeine or sugar. If you want to try this before spending the money on a place like Pfeiffer, just be careful to read the ingredients and immediately take your child off if you see any changes.

We have also tried many therapies that didn't work for us such as listening therapy. For us, it was a waste of money and I saw no results. We did try changing his diet but that was a losing battle that caused more grief than results.

Keep trying different things until you find what works best. My son is doing very well academically, he is in Cub Scouts (a wonderful organization), he has a few friends and is a very happy child. I have seen other children whose parents didn't put interventions in place and they are not nearly where my son is at today. Intervention is the key.

How to Detect Signs of Asperger's Syndrome

Asperger's Syndrome

Asperger’s Syndrome is a form of Autism that is defined by the person’s lack of social skills and communication difficulties. There are many people in the world who aren’t comfortable talking to strangers or speaking in front of a crowd but for people with Asperger’s the social barrier is much more complex and involved.

People with Asperger’s don’t have any obvious difference in their appearance so it usually goes undetected until someone has a conversation with them or watches them interact.

What Are The Signs?

There are a few different behaviors or idiosyncrasies that are indicative of a person having Asperger’s Syndrome. Some of those symptoms may include:

difficulty with communications
trouble with personal interactions
anxiety associated with transitions
sleeping problems
sensory sensitivities
lack of empathy
a consuming specific interest
Always present any suspicions or concerns to your doctor for a formal diagnosis.

Communication Challenges

People with Asperger’s Syndrome usually have an exceptionally large vocabulary and often talk very quickly. The difficulty they experience with communication has more to do with what they say than their ability to say it. The sentences they say aren’t always organized in the right way or completely on topic. However, their words are usually enunciated and pronounced perfectly. In short, the words that they need are in their heads, they just sometimes have a hard time organizing them to get across what they are trying to tell you.

Young children with Asperger’s communication will sometimes consist of simply repeating. Not necessarily repeating back what you have just said to them but, repeating television commercials or conversations they have heard. All children enjoy saying a funny line from a cartoon over and over. This is different.

When a child has Asperger’s the only conversation they will engage in is one that has been learned. Repeating dialog instead of organizing their own words is easier for these kids because they frequently have an incredible long term memory and it satisfies their need for predictability.

Part of the social challenge that people with Asperger’s have is that they aren’t able to control or predict what another person will say or do next. This can cause major anxiety for them because the unknown is very scary. That is why reusing a conversation that has already happened is the perfect solution for these kids, they know exactly what will be said next.

This particular behavior is a perfect example of how people with Asperger’s learn social behaviors much like a typical person learns another language. When someone wants to learn Chinese for example, a teacher or visual aid will instruct them how to respond to certain situations or request what they need. The student repeats the phrase over and over until they have learned so many conversations they are able to break them apart and organize them into their own dialog. This is very similar to how people with Asperger’s learn to navigate the social world around them.

A common visual indication that someone may have Asperger’s Syndrome is that they don’t make eye contact and often don’t notice facial expressions or body language. This is extremely challenging for the person who is interacting with them because it isn’t clear if they are paying attention. They also have a very hard time understanding sarcasm, humor, and passive aggressive behaviors. They take everything that is said very literally.

Social Interactions

People with Asperger’s Syndrome typically spend much of the time in their own world, mentally isolated from others.

You may notice that children with this syndrome have a lack of interest in cooperative play. Activities and games that are independent or that involve side by side play are much more appealing to them. They may want to play in a sand box next to another child, but they will be building their own masterpiece instead of joining in on a team project.

People with Asperger’s also don’t enjoy pretending or making up rules to a game as you go along. Everything has to be very organized and predictable. Fantasy and fiction doesn’t have a place in their world of facts and order.


Change or switching from one situation to another, better known as transitions can cause extreme anxiety for people who have this syndrome.

The degree of anxiety and transition varies due to the fact that no two Asperger cases are the same but some level of difficulty is certain.

These transitions can range from a person getting very agitated when they have to leave their home to go somewhere new, to a complete melt down because a child had their seat moved at school unexpectedly. It is very important for individuals with Asperger's that life is as predictable as possible and that any change in routine is told to them well in advance so they have time to adjust and organize it to their comfort level.

Common Causes and Symptoms of Eczema

Eczema is a word which is used in reference to different types of inflammation of the skin. Another word which is often used to describe this condition is dermatitis. The most frequent type of this condition is referred to as atopic dermatitis. Although the two terms dermatitis and atopic dermatitis are often interchanged they do not mean the same thing. Dermatitis is the general name given to eczema whereas atopic dermatitis is simply one type of dermatitis which may occur.

Although anyone of any age is subject to afflicted with eczema it is more common in babies than anyone else. Over half of the population often experiences this condition before they reach the age of five years. Many times this condition is seen in very young babies and toddler. When this happens it is usually resolved before the baby reaches the age of three however it can return periodically over the course of that person’s life. A large portion of individuals who develop eczema do so because there is either a family history of it or that person may have other allergy conditions such as asthma or hay fever. Reports indicate that while eczema may affect as much as 20% of children it only affects approximately 2% of adults.

This condition is thought to be more prevalent in girls than it is in boys and may strike individuals of any race. Although eczema is not considered a contagious skin condition, it is thought to be passed down from one family member to another in some cases. This is why it is not thought to be an unusual occurrence when more than one family member is affected.

It is not known exactly what causes eczema however skin defects and low functionality of the immune system are thought to be contributing factors to its occurrence. In the specific case of atopic dermatitis it is believe that defective genes causing protein abnormalities may lead to the development of this condition.

Some cases of eczema may be triggered by certain objects or substances that come in direct contact with the skin. Some examples of this may include certain types of clothing, jewelry, sweat, soaps, perfumes and cosmetics. Airborne allergens may also lead to the development of this condition in some cases in addition to heat, high humidity and even stress.

There are a variety of symptoms that may be experienced by an individual affected by eczema. Some of the most common of these symptoms include red, itchy skin with a burning sensation. These symptoms may vary slightly from one individual to another depending on such factors as a person’s chemical make-up as well as the particular type and cause of eczema in that person. Itching is generally the first of these symptoms to become noticeable with the other symptoms following closely behind.

Although any part of the body may be affected by eczema it is often most commonly seen in the areas of the face, neck, ankles, knees and insides of the elbows. In babies the areas affected may include the arms, legs, neck, head, forehead and cheeks.

4 Need to Know Eczema Facts

Here are 4 of the most common eczema facts you need to know in order to understand what it is, the causes, and the best ways to manage and treat it.

What is Eczema?

Eczema is a skin condition that causes inflammation of the skin and can affect all age groups especially children. There are varying degrees of severity from mild forms where the skin is dry, hot and itchy to severe forms where the skin can become raw, broken and bleed.

What Causes Eczema?

What causes eczema depends on the type of eczema a person has. Atopic eczema seems to be genetically linked and sufferers are sensitive to allergens in the environment which other people are not. This causes the immune system to react producing inflamed, sore and irritated skin. Other types of eczema are caused by irritants such as chemicals and detergents, allergens such as jewelry irritants, and stress.

How do I know if I have Eczema?

Because Eczema is very individualized it is sometimes hard to tell if you have eczema or not. It typically appears on the tender areas of elbows, knees, wrists and neck. In cases especially seen in eczema in babies it can cover the whole body and face. Hot itchy dry skin is the main symptom. The itching can lead to scratching which will damage the skin and cause bleeding. The dry skin can also crack making movement difficult and sore. Eczema often improves with children as they grow older, although it can reappear at any time and can move in cycles.

How Can You Manage Eczema?

There are many ways to treat the symptoms of Eczema, the foundation of which is an effective skin routine. There are also pills or creams available over the counter, or from your doctor. These can often be strong causing harmful side effects and are not recommended for children. However, there are many ways to minimize the discomfort and distress using natural therapies that a lot of people prefer. These range from diet changes to using natural oils on the affected areas.

Preventing Skin Infections In Toddlers Suffering From Eczema

Diagnosed with eczema at 17 months of age, little did I know how much this irritating and painful condition would truly effect the lives of both my daughter and myself.

Characterized with extremely dry, patchy, and itchy skin, my toddler would literally scratch until she bled.
For those who either suffer with this skin disorder, or those who have children who suffer with it, I don't have to tell you how many sleepless nights and exhaustive days one experiences while trying to deal with this condition.
Due to the severity of the itching, it literally takes all the energy you can muster to make the sufferer comfortable. In addition to the hydrocortizone creams, or antihistamine blocker medication, allergist specialist or dermatologist often prescribe steroidal skin creams to control the breakouts. Unfortunately however, these creams are not conducive to long-term use.
Therefore, when the flare-ups resurface (and they do come back, and often with a vengance), in addition to the return of the endless scratching, comes the opening of new skin wounds, and the reopening of old ones. This in turn leads to skin infections.
It was after an extremely horrendous skin infection suffered by my toddler (which left her pale skin so raw and beet red, that it was torture for her to be given a bath, or even for anyone to touch her!), that I decided to take matters in my own hands to prevent this from happening to her again.
After a week of antibiotics administered from her allergist specialist (who happens to be the most caring specialist I've seen in a long time), I came up with a "skin infection prevention" program. It goes like this...

1.) Keep your toddler's nails trimmed as low as possible. Thereby, preventing any great damage to the skin due to scratching.

2.) When and if your toddler does break their skin, using hydrogen peroxide, immediately cleanse the area as thoroughly as possible (at least three times a day). Ensure that your toddler's hands are washed thoroughly as well, following this event.

3.) Keep a supply of prescription antibiotic ointment on hand just in case your toddler's scratching causes an open flesh wound.

My daughter's allergist specialist prescribed her an antibiotic ointment called Mupirocin. I use this at least two to three times a day on the effected area (use it as often as your dermatologist or allergist specialist instructs you).

4.) Instead of trying to prevent him/her from scratching (there's no way you can prevent a toddler from scratching - even as adults, when we have an itch, we scratch), cover their hands with a pair of socks.

Personally, I cover my daughters hands with my home sewn 100% cotton scratch mitts since my daughters condition is so severe, that synthetic fibers aggravate her condition.
I've made her a dozen or more cotton scratch mitts (as you can see in the second picture from the top) which allow her to scratch without breaking her skin. The mitts are very soft against her skin, yet at the same token, they offer her the relief she needs.
Sticking to my "skin infection prevention" game plan, has worked wonders for my toddler. From the day her skin became infection free, she has not suffered from this sad but regular side effect connected with her skin condition.
It is my hope that with these tips, you too will prevent skin infections in your young eczema sufferer.

Eczema in Babies

Babies with eczema are exclusive patients because it is very difficult for them to refrain scratching themselves thus making the condition worse. Luckily, for mild to moderate conditions, the application of a moisturizer on a habitual basis is considered very helpful in treating eczema in babies.

It’s annoying and agonizing, painful and uncomfortable - eczema is a nasty skin condition to have at any time. Babies and toddlers infected by it can turn out to be distressed. Plus, it’s very difficult for parents to witness their children suffer. But what is the origin of this horrible condition and how can you identify the symptoms and will it last into adulthood?

Refrain your baby from scratching. She will probably try to find relief in scratching or by rubbing her face next to the sheets while sleeping. But then, scratching and rubbing will promote much irritation and may even inflame her skin and make matters worse. By this, make use of your softest sheets available for her crib as well as keep your baby’s nails short.

Toddler eczema is a little different from eczema in babies. In babies, the rashes are frequently seen on the face and all over the body. For toddlers, the skin among the knees, ankles, and elbows are the ones most infected by eczema. Toddler eczema happens in about 16-20% of children and transpires in children with certain allergic tendencies. Eczema is somehow found to be hereditary which often goes hand in hand with asthma. There will be times that your child’s skin may seem better and at times, get worse. This is a normal cycle of the infection though and not due to bad care.

Sadly, no precise laboratory answer or histologic description identifies atopic dermatitis. Even if eminent contamination levels are established in up to 80 percent of affected patients, contagious levels are also prominent in patients with other atopic syndromes.

Atopic dermatitis has been accounted to influence 10 percent of children. In the United States, it is approximated that more than $354 million per year is spent on the management of infancy atopic dermatitis.While the symptoms of atopic dermatitis decide by youth in 50 percent of affected babies, the condition can continue into maturity. Reduced analytical characteristics comprise of a family history of the condition, premature disseminated juvenile syndrome, female gender and simultaneous allergic rhinitis and asthma.

Breast Milk Ice Cream 'Baby Gaga'

Have you eaten Ice Creams made out of Human Breast milk.
You might not have even thought about it. But there were Ice Cream manufacturers who thought about this new product.
Ice Creams made out of pure Breast milk of women was available for sale in the counters of an Ice Cream shop in London at the Covent Garden.
The Ice Cream was named as Baby Gaga and the first 50 scoops of this Ice Cream was sold in first few hours.

There has been great rush in the shop for purchasing this Ice Cream.
Also lot of medias covered this new flavour of Icecream that was introduced by this shop in London.
The Government authorities who imposed ban on the Breast Milk Ice Cram said that there is great chance for diseases like HIV Aids .etc getting transmitted through breast milk.
Westminster City Council took action against the shop due to the complaints received from people against making of food products from body fluids of other humans.
The owner of the controversial Icecreamists restaurant which sold Breast Milk Icecreams, got milk donors by giving advertisement in Internet in a website called Mumsnet.
He said that he had done medical tests of these women and confirmed that they do not have any disease.

Health care agencies such as Health Protection Agency, Food Standards Agency took action against the shop by removing all Ice creams that were manufactured using breast milk.
The samples of this Ice-cream was sent to the labs for finding out whether there is any infection in it.
The cost of 1 scoop of this special Ice Cream was 14 pounds (25 Dollars).
The ingredients of Breast Milk Ice Cream are Human Breast milk + Madagascan Vanilla Pods + Lemon Zest.American Pop singer Lady Gaga have reacted angrily against the Restaurant who sold the Ice Creams that were named as Baby Gaga.

Her Lawyers have told the Restaurant that they will take Legal actions for trade mark infringement if the name was not changed with immediate effect.
Even though this Ice Cream was stopped from being sold, it has become a great news in the entire world.
There are many companies that are already looking into ways on how to sell breast milk products legally.

Storing Breast Milk

Breast milk can be deceiving once pumped and stored. It turns chunky and smelly and greenish, something that isn't acceptible when thinking abut regular milk. But actually, those characteristics have nothing to do with the validity of the breast milk. The best factor to deal with breast milk is timing. That's the only reliable factor that will tell you whether it is safe for your baby to drink or not.

In the fridge, the breast milk can hold up to a week. Make sure you date and time your breast milk containers as you pump them, and do not store them in the door of the fridge. Store the milk in the back of the fridge.

In the freezer, breast milk can hold up to 30 days. Again, date and time you pumped it, and do not store the milk in the freezer door.

To heat up store milk, do not microwave it. You will kill nutritious elements of it, and risk scalding your baby's tongue.

Tips to getting more breast milk through the pump.

Taking a hot shower with intense water pressure on your breast will increase milk flow.
Pump one breast while you breastfeed on the other.
Pump more frequently to increase milk production.

Breast Milk Storage Bags

Breast milk storage bags are essential tools for nursing mothers. Breast milk storage bags allows the mothers to be away from their babies and at the same time alleviate their worry that their babies are not getting enough food.

Their worries are now over because they can pump their breast milk into these breast milk storage bags. There are even breast milk storage bags that are directly connected to the breast pump. They can put these breast milk storage bags in the freezer or in the refrigerator after filling them with milk.

It is preferred that after pumping breast milk in the breast milk storage bag to store it in the freezer. Life is full of unexpected things, and babies should have adequate supply of milk especially if their mothers have to leave them for a while.

Better label the breast milk storage bag of the date as to when breast milk is pumped into it.

Labeling is very necessary because it leads to proper storage of the breast milk storage bags. You should always be informed how fresh the milk is before feeding it to your baby.

At room temperature, breast milk that is stored in breast milks storage bag can be consumed within 4 to 8 hours. Refrigerated milk inside a breast milk storage bag, usually lasts from 3 days to a week.

If you have an idea that the milk stored in a breast milk storage bag won't be consumed within the time frame, then the next step is to place them inside the freezer. It is advisable to consume it within 3 to 4 months though and it is important to note that once the frozen milk is thawed, do not refreeze it.

When storing breast milk in the freezer, put only small amounts in your breast milk storage bags. Once the milk inside the breast milk storage bag is thawed, you cannot refreeze it and if the baby cannot consume all the milk, then it would all just go to waste. Smaller portions means less wasted milk. You can also use sterilized baby jars as a replacement for breast milk storage bags.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Ways to Prevent Infant Constipation

Infant constipation includes the absence of bowel movement as well as the passage of hard, dry bowel movements. It is a common issue when babies begin to transition from breast milk to formula or begin eating solid foods. Often constipation in infants can be remedied with a few simple dietary changes.
Tips for Preventing Infant Constipation

1. Breastfeeding is properly the most effective way to prevent constipation in infants. Breast milk is easy for babies to digest and is specially designed for their immature intestinal systems. While formula may provide the needed nutrition, it is often more difficult for little ones sensitive digestive tracts.

2. Infants often become constipated when transitioning between foods. Remember, always add new foods to your baby's diet slowly. This includes changing formula brands, offering solid food, or switching from breast milk to formula.

3. Massage your infant's abdomen. Infant massage can ease constipation as well as the pain it can cause. Massage your child's abdomen and pump his/her legs after eating and when they seem constipated. This can reduce tension in the tummy and help keep things moving along.

4. If your infant become constipated frequently, goes more than three days without a soiled diaper, is a newborn, or seems to be in substantial pain, it is time to see the doctor. Make note of any changes in the frequency of bowel movements. Monitor your child's level of pain and discomfort. Remember, as a parent, asking for advice from your pediatrician or other health care professional is never the wrong move.

5. Be wary of giving any herbal supplements to ease constipation in your infant. Discuss any medications or remedies with your doctor before administering them to an infant.

Tips for Relieving Constipation

Water. Offering your child water daily is sometimes enough to get the bowels moving once again. This should be given in addition to any regular feedings you would typically provide. Start out slowly, offering 2 to 4 ounces and then moving to more or less as you gauge your child's response.
Fruit Juice. If water does not seem to work, beginning offering your child apple, prune, or pear juice. Again, start slowly with only 2 to 4 ounces until you have a good feel for what your child needs. Adjust the amount accordingly.
Baby Food. Providing a different choice of baby food is sometimes enough to relieve constipation. Try pureed pears or prunes. Offer your child barley cereals instead of rice.

Others Tips for Relieving Infant Constipation

The passage of hard stool can sometimes be made easier by applying a small amount of water-based lubricant to the infant's anus. Babies should never be treated with mineral oil, laxatives, or enemas. However, if your child is having considerable trouble, you may want to try an infant glycerin suppository. These are available without a prescription and are only meant for occasional use.

For constipation that does not seem to have a cause and that is not relieved by any of the above, requires the attention of an medical professional. Infants can sometime suffer from underlying conditions that have resulted in constipation.

Fun Foods And Kitchen Activities For Kids

Food-Time Fun

Having kids can bring many challenges even in little things like eating. I wish I had a little more of a challenge to convince myself to eat, it's more like convincing myself not to eat.

Children can come up with all kinds of excuses at meal time and pick and poke at their food with this dumbfounded gaze into another world of princesses or pirates. What frustrates me more than anything is when I pay for a nice meal at a restaurant and an hour later I hear a little person moaning in the back seat, " I'm hungry, when are we gonna eat?" Reminding them we just ate they respond with this mental block excuse," Oh! I forgot."

We as adults usually stuff ourselves to the gills at dinner time so it's hard to understand and know how to deal with these antics in a calm, creative way.

Here is some ideas especially great for stay-at-home moms or daycare to make eating a thrill and an anticipated adventure for little ones.

Keep It Simple Yummy And Fun

First cut in half cross-ways so the kids can see the star in the middle. Take craft sticks and let them spread peanut butter or let them dip it in caramel dip. Apples are very healthy, my kids favorite snack.
Make their own apple sauce: 
Put three sliced apples into two cups of boiled water. Boil, mash( let kids do this with the back of the spoon), add sugar and cinnamon to taste. They can even make several batches of this and put in little jars and give as gifts with a label telling who made it.
Make their own butter: 
Put 1/2 pint of heavy whipping cream and 1 tsp of salt into a tightly sealed container.Shake several times until butter forms. You might want to sing songs or tell stories and jokes in between to pass time. With a plastic knife or wooden craft stick let them butter their bread, biscuit or crackers.
Green Eggs And Ham:
Your kids love the Dr. Suess book "Green Eggs And Ham" so read it to them and make it with them. All it will take is to add little green food coloring to the eggs and use sliced ham or even lunch meat.
Peanut Butter Play Dough:
Mix 1 cup of peanut butter, 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 cup of nonfat powdered dry milk, then form into silly shapes before eating with a side of graham or vanilla wafers.
Octopus Hot Dogs: 
Slice a hot dog two to three ways, leaving around an inch uncut at the top of the hot dog. Spread the legs out on a saucer. Then make mustard eyes nose and mouth. They love it. You can also put your octopus on a bed of ramen noodles.
Let the children roll out the cookie dough and cut out neat shapes with cookie cutter. Invest in cake-decorating tips or just let them ice it and put sprinkles or candy to decorate. It is also yummy to dip half of a cookie in melted chocolate or almond bark.
Veggie Tales At The Ranch: 
Play your kids veggie tales and have them to act out their own veggie play with broccoli, celery, baby carrots, cauliflower and other veggies that are good raw. They can name them after their favorite characters and dip them in Ranch dressing ( bottled or homemade).
Fun-Shaped Pancakes: 
Learn the art of creating fun shapes while your pouring pancake better into the skillet, when your all done your kids get to guess what they are. Try hearts, boats, lips, teddy bears, puppies or you can even pour it in a heat proof cookie cutter.
Cheese Dip Swimming Pool: 
Most kids love cheese dip. They might eat a bigger helping if they act like it's a swimming pool and they are diving in, then diving back into their mouths. They can tell you a story from their own imagination. Be sure to smile and encourage their creativity.
Piggy's In A Blanket: 
This is an old favorite of most of us. Use refrigerator biscuits, hot-dogs and cheese for this quick, yummy treat. Let them help you put the cheesy pj's on the piggy's and wrap them in a blanket. This is a great take-a-long snack.
Pizza Pictures: 
Make a homemade pizza, have your kids to design a picture scene out of the toppings. Take your time and let them detail it with all the cheeses and different kinds of veggies. You can add a little green food color to the cheese to make grass, you can make green pepper cars with pepperoni wheels and olive head lights. You can have them make the pizza a picture of themselves. This would be a great craft idea for a group of kids, they can make small personal pan pizza's. Also a fun pizza party idea.
Homemade Bread: 
Children love playing with squishy things. Let the children participate in the long process of making homemade yeast bread or rolls. Educate them about yeast and how it's alive and rises. Then let them knead the dough and form the rolls. They will enjoy the anticipation of checking on the dough too see if it is rising.
Tea Parties And Picnics: 
Turning lunch time and snack time into tea parties using their little play dinnerware and tea pitcher make it more interesting and often they keep asking for refills.
Play Restaurant: 
Play restaurant, give them a menu choice, take their orders and be their waiter or waitress. Kids love when adults break down and play with them. Deliver their food and ask if they need refills etc.
Kiss The Little Cook: 
Get your kids an apron and chef hat and include them in the simple safe parts of your cooking. Let them help set the table, teach them how to do it proper, and give them a kiss on the cheek and allot of praise as the family sits down and eats what they helped you prepare.Kids are not pesky flies in the kitchen, if trained right they can cut allot of kitchen time. You can even have one cleaning up as you cook:.)
Creating Recipes: 
Parents you can have allot of memory making fun with this idea. Create a family recipe book. Teach your children about basic ingredients and how food cooks then let them create their own recipe's and name them. Have a taste testing party and try out their creations.Warning!Adult supervision required, you never know what their creations might consist of, may explode. Once the recipe is perfected they can take a picture of it with themselves for the book. "Grandma would enjoy a copy I'm sure."
Fishin Goldfish: 
All you need is a can of their favorite soup and goldfish crackers. The spoon is the fishing pole and they have to catch all the fish out of the pond. After they are all gone, re-stock the pond until the soup is all ate.
Smiley Cheese And Crackers: Somehow a bright cheesy grin makes this favorite snack more edible and they will want more:.) Use the squirt cheese for an easy smiley face:.)
Real Juice Ice Pops: 
Let them make their own Popsicles out of fruit juice, this will be a healthy tasty treat. You can even pour fruit juice into ice trays and let them add it to their water for extra flavor and color.
A Watermelon Whale: 
Kids go crazy over this!!! Take an oval watermelon and cut out a zig zag big wide open mouth. Cut out two eyes or draw them on, you can also make a tail out of the peel you cut out. The zig zag is the scary teeth. Scoop out all the melon meat and either cut it into to chunks or use a melon ball scoop. Add other fruits and fill the whale full. This is a good way to get kids eat allot of fruit. You can also make a good dip with Cool Whip, Cream Cheese and Brown or Powdered Sugar. It would also be cute to tell them the story of Jonah and the whale and do an object lesson.
Phonics and Number Lesson: 
You can teach your kids their phonics and numbers with food. This would be great for homeschooling. Each day have a new phonic and number. Make a food that has the phonic sound in it and a snack they can count. Example: The letter M - Meatloaf and 4 Big Marshmallows. Some of the more difficult letter you might have to create a fantasy name for the food.

How to Cure Toddler Constipation

Toddler constipation is something you can work towards preventing, and doing so will save you heaps of worry. Holding a screaming child while she tries to eliminate is not something I thought would be a part of parenthood. However, this scenario plays out roughly once every two days. In addition, my toddler clings to me, contorts her face in agony and tightens nearly every muscle in her body.

My heart breaks in two when this happens. When I searched the internet to find a cure, I discovered that one site would say to avoid bananas while another said to eat them and so on.

Needless to say, I was confused, so I decided to write about what actually worked for us. We got advice from a pediatrician and then took steps to change our toddler's diet.

1. Remove Bananas from the Diet: 
This food, which had a binding effect on the body, should not be eaten by children with constipation troubles. You may already know that bananas form part of the BRAT (bananas - rice - applesauce - toast) diet that is recommended for diarrhea. You certainly want to encourage foods that will NOT bind.

2. Remove Wheat from the Diet: 
This is a hard one to do. However, a wheat free diet ( is completely possible. You can substitute rice or millet bread for wheat bread. Since more people have discovered their wheat allergies, there are a number of delicious products to replace the desire or need for wheat. You can get wheat-free soy sauce, wheat-free cookies, and plenty of wheat-free flours.

3. Encourage Pears and Watermelon: 
We had a great deal of success by encouraging watermelon. The high water content and fiber helped the toddler constipation situation. The doctor recommended peaches, and that works well, too.

4. Encourage Water Drinking: 
Water is not a food favorite of my toddler. I'd add some into her milk, but the doctor suggested we get her to drink it straight. To encourage the process, I'm using bendy straws only for increasing water consumption - anything to make drinking water fun and enjoyable.

5. Reduce Yogurt and Eliminate Cheese: 
Cheese (like bananas) is binding and slows down the digestive process, so cheese is completely out. About 4 ounces per day of yogurt can be eaten according to our pediatrician.

6. Get Moving!: 
The process of walking and movement helps digestion. It probably won't be hard to encourage your toddler to move around - they are always moving! - yet be sure you take some walks or run around after meals.

7. Read a Book: 
After feeling pain with elimination, your toddler may start to withold it to avoid the pain. This could cause problems later. An excellent book to read with your toddler is: "It Hurts When I Poop" about a boy named Ryan who hurts when he poops and overcomes it.

With time, and by following these guidelines, your toddler constipation woes should come to an end. It will take dedication and patience to heal the situation completely.

Hopefully, these guidelines help you improve your toddler's constipation, so she will feel healthy and comfortable - and so she won't be scared to use bathroom.

How to cure the sleepless nights of your baby or babies

Sleepless nights

A baby who has trouble sleeping can cause many problems within the family household. The lack of sleep increases the irritability between family members, with parents snapping at older children and each other for no real reason and thus arguments occur when they need not.It is therefore very important to find the cause of your baby's sleep problem as soon as you possible can, not only for your baby's sake but also for your own sanity.There are many causes for babies having trouble sleeping, some can be dealt with easily, while others need a bit more detective work.Most babies should start sleeping through the night between 8 and 12 weeks, obviously as all babies are different, some may sleep through quicker some longer.

Why is your baby not sleeping when you put it to bed?

If your baby is not sleeping through the night then you should look at the overall situation,
Have you just moved them into a cot or a junior bed?
Have they just gone into their own room after being with you for some length of time?
Have you moved house?
Has there been something happen within the family to cause an unsettled feeling i.e. a death to close family member?
All of these things are enough to unsettle a baby at night.

Good baby Sleeping tips

One of the best ways to help your baby sleep at night is to have a very good bedtime routine. This should start the same time every night, and should follow the same pattern. For example;

6.30pm bath/shower
7pm a little play with quiet toys
7.15pm story time, maybe 1 or 2 small books
7.30pm lights out, kiss, cuddle and tell them ‘sleep tight and see you in the morning’ and maybe get them to cuddle their favourite teddy

Sleep disorders

A baby waking in the night

When a newborn first arrives on the scene you expect to be woken 2-3 times during the night, with this gradually decreasing as you get baby into a better sleeping routine. However when an older child/toddler starts waking 2-3 times in the night for no apparent reason or generally showing a total lack of sleep, it can be very annoying for the parent, and in turn you end up with a very tired toddler and parent.
So again you find yourself looking at the big picture and asking simple questions,
Are they cutting teeth? Remember a child can still be cutting teeth at the 2-3 years of age!
Are they still in a cot? It may be possible that the cot is now getting too small and they are waking themselves when they move in the night.
Have you just moved them into a child size bed? It is possible that they feel insecure by the amount of round that they have around them. Perhaps fill their bed with their favourite teddies.
Are they waking up wet with nappies leaking? This can be very uncomfortable for the child and you should be thinking about maybe cutting back drinks before bed and just allowing them to have their milk at bedtime. Or if they do not drink too much maybe you need to look at larger nappies for during the night, or even a different brand. They are all cut and fit slightly differently.
Have you started potty training but still have them in nappies during the night? If so this could be there way of telling you that they need a wee during the night.
Are they asking for a drink of juice every time they wake? If so, and you usually give your child diluted squash it could be that they are actually craving for the squash. Be brave and strong and just give them water for during the night and during the day dilute the squash so water only just changes colour.
Are they having a growth spurt and waking hungry? If so perhaps they need a more filling evening meal, meat/vegetarian option with vegetables, or maybe a pasta dish, followed by a filling pudding i.e. rice pudding, fresh fruit with any yoghurt. You could always give your child something simple to eat while you are reading a story and they are drinking their milk i.e. breadsticks or small piece of toast/bread and butter.

Wheezing in children

Wheezing in children

Scenario 1:
Logan is a chubby 5 month old who goes to day care. One evening,his mother was told by the day care assistant that he has mild fever and runny nose. The next day his mother found him to have wheeze and questionable troubled breathing. What could be the cause for his wheeze?

Scenario 2:
Max is a skinny 5 year old, who has been having repeated episodes of cough, cold and wheeze since toddler-hood. Lately his mother feels that his symptoms are getting worse and he is increasingly woken up from sleep by breathing difficulty and wheeze. Is his wheeze due to asthma?

What is wheezing?

Wheezing is a high pitched whistling sound that occurs while breathing and it is caused by the flow of air through constricted breathing tubes. It is usually heard while exhaling, but also can be heard while inhaling. It is usually caused by the constriction of smaller airways deep in the chest but also can be due to larger airway constriction. There are many causes for wheeze and the mechanism by which they cause wheeze are the following.

1.spasm or constriction of airways.

2. blockage by a foreign object.

3. excessive secretion.

4.swelling of the mucous lining of the airways.

Wheezing is a very common symptom of childhood and infancy. It is rare in the newborn period, though.

Common causes of wheeze:

1. Asthma:

Not all asthmatics wheeze and not all wheezers are asthmatics. However asthma usually presents with recurrent episodes of wheeze and breathing difficulty.Other common symptoms that must clue you are
recurrent attacks of cold,coughing, wheeze and difficulty in breathing during activities like running, jumping etcprolonged coughing that worsens at night,a general feeling of being unwell.Asthma is exacerbated during exposure to cold, pollutants, certain food like egg or milk, allergens like pollen, pet fur etc. With modern treatment asthma can be controlled very well. It is important to visit your doctor if you think that your child has asthma.


It presents as low grade fever,cough, breathing difficulty, reduced feeding with or without audible wheeze. It is common during winter or late spring. Majority of cases are caused by 'Respiratory syncitial virus', rest are caused by adeno viru, parainfluenza virus or mycoplasma. Infants usually recover in 2 weeks but may have prolonged wheeze or cough. Occasionally a child with severe breathing difficulty may need hospitalisation.

3. Transient wheezing in infancy:

It is characterised by recurrent wheeze in non atopic infants and toddlers which usually disappears when child turns three. If the symptoms are severe and the child has allergic manifestations, he can go on to have asthma.

4.Choking on a foreign object:

If the onset of wheeze is abrupt on a previously healthy child, it may be due to choking on a foreign object. The choking can be observed or unobserved, may or may not present as an emergency but always deserves prompt medical examination and treatment.


Allergic reaction to cold, pollen, animal fur, insect bite, certain food can present with wheeze. The child may have red, itchy watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing and coughing. In food allergy, following ingestion of a particular food ,the child may get a rash, watery eyes, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhoea,itching and swelling of mouth, face and neck, wheeze and a worsening breathing difficulty (which is an emergency).

6.Gastroesophageal reflux disease:

This condition begins to present at 4 weeks, peaks at 4 months and subsides by one year as the child starts to walk around and starts taking solid food. It is due to the immaturity of the sphincter which lead to reflux of stomach content back. This will present as irritability, wheeze, noisy breathing, choking and hoarseness of voice.


Starts with symptoms similar to common cold but progressively worsens with high fever, cough, wheezing, grunting, difficulty in breathing and chest pain. The child looks sick, feeding declines and breathing difficulty worsens. Significant distress requires hospitalisation.

8.Cystic fibrosis:

Presents with frequent cold, long standing cough, recurrent sinusitis, bulky greasy stool with offensive odour, loss of weight and nasal polyps. An observant mother notices that the baby's skin is salty to kiss.

9.Other causes:

Most cases of wheeze in infants and toddlers are associated with viral infection.Wheezing also occurs in many other conditions like heart diseases, congenital malformation of airways, dysfunction of vocal cords, chronic lung diseases etc

Croup is characterised by stridor (which is a high pitched noise while breathing), breathing difficulty , barky cough and it may also present with wheeze.

The 5 Most Common Childhood Illnesses

Along with a new bundle of joy, comes common childhood illnesses. Pediatric offices appear to be one of the many medical facilities that are filled to the brim, with anxious parents who are concerned about their child's health. From a runny nose to red bumps that appear out of nowhere, watching the clock in the doctor's office can become a nightmare. Listening to a child cry or hearing blood curdling screams while in the waiting room heightens the fear that something more severe could be wrong with your child.

Hoping to ease the pain of traveling to a doctor's office with a sick child, listed are the 5 most common illnesses among children. What to look for could your time at the pediatrics office a little less stressful.

Childhood illnesses can become a worrisome task. Hives appear out of nowhere, a large red bump appears on the arm or that sneeze does not appear to be just allergies. Due to our own upbringing we are familiar with some of the common illnesses such as a stomach, the flu, or even pinkeye. But there are many illnesses that we may have heard about and others that can be prevented. There are viral and bacterial infections that can be eliminated just by using an antibacterial soap or washing hands. When a child has a cold we should always teach them to cover their mouths and wash their hands. This lessens the chances of the infection to spread.

5. Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Do not confuse this infection with hoof and mouth disease. One of the most common childhood diseases causes a high-grade fever with blisters or sores that cover the inside of the mouth, palms and soles of the feet. Blisters may also appear on the buttocks of your child.
Prone to rear its head in the Summer or Fall it is caused by a variety of viruses called enteroviruses also known in the United States as coxsackievirus A16.
Not really serious once treated the nasty little bug disappears in about 7-10 days.

4. Croup

If your child's cough sounds like he/she is "barking" this common cough is called croup. Many children are hospitalized every year when left untreated. It is caused by a group of viruses called human parainfluenza viruses, which also aides in the creation of the common cold. Rarely fatal the treatment provided assist the child with breathing normally until the cough ends. If your child is diagnosed with Croup it normally only hangs around for about a week.

3. Impetigo

Discussing the little red bumps previously that weep fluid is called Impetigo. Highly contagious and adults can get it to. It is normally found in children 2-6 years old.

It appears as a cluster of weeping red bumps that are itchy and forms a honey-colored crust over them. Touching the bumps can spread to other children and adults. If your child appears to have these little red bumps. Do not touch them and continually wash your hands. Get them to the doctor so they can prescribe an antibiotic. They will not cause scars and you will see them disappear after about a week. Give them the antibiotic as needed and do not discontinue the medicine. Follow-up with the doctor as discussed at your appointment.

2. Fifth Disease

Commonly known as the "slapped cheek" disease because it causes a red rash on the cheeks that looks like a slap mark. A red rash may also appear anywhere on the body or the arms and legs. There are rarely any symptoms but a possible oncoming cold. It will not always make your child feel ill before the rash appears.
Fifth disease is caused by the human parvovirus B19. By the age of 5 up to 20% of all children may contract Fifth Disease. By age 19 up to 60% of all children have had this disease. Not normally serious the disease can go away in 7-10 days. The infection can also cause joint pain and be misdiagnosed as Rheumatoid Arthirits. Joint pain normally disappears within 3 weeks.

1. RSV

RSV is the most common viruses of all childhood illnesses. Commonly known as Respiratory syncytial virus it wreaks havoc more often then influenza. Many of us have had (RSV) by the time we were 2-years old. Symptoms can include runny nose, cough and fever. It may appear as a common cold.

From newborn to 1 it is the most common cause of pneumonia and inflammation of the small air passages in the child's lungs. Wheezing can be one of the symptoms of RSV and it is sometimes treated with hospitalization. Wheezing will not occur in most children and approximately only 2% of all children are hospitalized.

RSV infections normally last 2 week if treated with an antibiotic. Anyone can contract the RSV virus. Eventually after catching RSV a few times, then it is treated as common cold.

There are many more common childhood illnesses. But with any illness it is best to contact your physician to get the proper diagnosis and have it treated accordingly. Always follow-up with the doctor after the first exam. If you have a newborn to 2-years old, do not ignore the signs when they are sick. Seek immediate medical attention if you believe your child/children has contracted any of these illnesses.

Stop Biting Nails for Kids

Kids Biting Nails.

If your constant nail biting in in any way causing you concern, it's high time that you seek for assistance. This write up looks at some of the easy techniques on how to stop biting nails for kids. Scroll down to know more on this.

Nail biting, scientifically known as onychophagia, is a nasty habit usually followed by many kids and even adults. Though this habit does not usually cause any serious health issue, it should be avoided since it can easily lead to very many negative effects.

For some people, nail biting is normally considered as an effective stress relief habit. Most nail biters see it hard to completely get rid of this habit since there is no specific cure for this nasty habit. Let us now have a look at some of the effective techniques that can be used to stop this habit in children.

How to Stop Biting Nails For Kids.

Here are some of the effective tricks, which might assist kids in effectively getting rid of this pesky behavior.

Applying Bitter Foul Tasting Solution on the Nails

Applying a bitter foul tasting solution on the kid's nails is a fool-proof remedy you can use for biting nails. This way, each time the child has craving to put his or her fingers on the mouth or also if unconsciously his or her fingers end up inside the mouth, the bitter tasting nails will act as an ideal reminder for him or her to stop biting nails.

It is essential also that you select a solution that is very bitter and apply it on your kids' nails. This solution should act as an aversion therapy and protect the child from being stimulated by it. Also, it is ideal that you ensure that this solution is reapplied each time the kid washes his or her hands.

Wearing Gloves

If the child has the tendency on inadvertently nibbling at his or her nails, covering up his or her hands or wearing gloves is an ideal idea. Putting on bandages or stickers on the child's fingers is another tested and tried remedy you can use to end this habit in your kid.

Offering the Kids with Rewards

This is another effective and essential technique you can use to end this habit in your kid(s). Rewards are believed to act as effective reinforcement for the changed behaviors. Thus, promise your child that you will buy him gifts if he stops this habit of nail biting.

Explaining to the Kid Why this Habit is Unhealthy

Explaining to your kid why nail biting is an unhealthy habit can also assist you stop this habit in your child. However, while explaining that, you must ensure that you use a tone that is matter of fact in order to prevent increasing the child's anxiety level.

Last but not the least; I guess by this time, you are conversant with effective ways on how to stop biting nails for kids. Start making use of these techniques today to witness their effectiveness.

What Kills Head Lice - Vinegar

It is extremely difficult to get rid of head lice. Vinegar can suffocate and kill head lice and nits.

Head lice are quite a difficult problem to deal with. It is very difficult to get rid of head lice. They can survive up to 30 days. They survive on human blood. Lice die in two days if they are not in contact with human body. Children are very likely to pickup lice at school. They can make life difficult. They are creatures which are 2mm in length. Once they infest the head, they lay eggs profusely, which hatch and multiply. Lice eggs are called nits. These eggs get glued to the hair. Lice cannot fly as they are wingless. There are a variety of methods to get rid of them. Quite a few shampoos are available in the market for the purpose. But as they contain toxic chemicals, application of these may cause allergic reaction. A number of home remedies are also available for the purpose

Vinegar Treatment

Apple cider vinegar which is made from organic apples is suited to get rid of the lice. It has a higher concentration of 5% acetic acid in water and ideally suited to for the application. Acetic acid will remove the glue and release the nits. Vinegar has to be heated. Head has to be shampooed first and warm vinegar has to be applied thoroughly to the head and scalp. Then head has to be covered with a cloth or cap to let the vinegar soak.

The acidic properties of vinegar will suffocate the head lice and kill them. Vinegar also has a pungent smell which also helps. Then head should be washed off thoroughly using shampoo. The dead lice can be removed with the help of a lice comb. The process has to be repeated, once in seven days, two or three times.

Spread of Head Lice

Lice generally spread from one person to another through physical contact. They also spread by using comb, hair band or hats of another person. Head lice can also spread from pets like cats and dogs.

Preventing Reinfestation

The reinfestation of the head lice may come from cloth or bed linen. After the shampoo bath all the bed linen and clothes have to be soaked and washed in hot water. Three or four tea spoons of vinegar can be added to this water. To prevent the reinfestation of head lice put in a few drops of lavender oil behind the ear and the neck. As lice hate the smell, it will keep them away.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Breast milk jaundice

What is breast milk jaundice?

Breast milk jaundice is a type of newborn jaundice which is associated with breastfeeding. It is characterised by a raised level of unconjugated bilirubin (also called the indirect bilirubin) in blood. It develops after the first 4 to 7 days, lasts for about 3 to 12 weeks and has no other identifiable cause. The cause of breast milk jaundice is not found but is supposed to be due to following reasons,

presence of pregnane 3 -beta 20- alpha diol and free fatty acids in breast milk that interferes with normal metabolism of bilirubin.
the delay in appearance of normal gut bacteria in baby's gut, due to ingestion of breast milk- which interferes with excretion of bilirubin.
Breast milk jaundice is important because

the presence of jaundice beyond 2 weeks in term babies and 3 weeks in premature babies, should alert the doctor to look for and rule out other causes of jaundice by examining the baby, testing for a split bilirubin test and if necessary performing other tests.
when other conditions are ruled out, it is important to reassure the parents about the harmless nature of breast milk jaundice and prepare them for the lengthy period that the baby could remain jaundiced (up to 3 months).

What is bilirubin?

A newborn is born with an excess of red blood cells that has to be broken up and removed from his blood.These red blood cells have a shorter life span that those of adult's. Bilirubin is one such waste product of broken up red blood cells. The bilirubin that reaches liver is called unconjugated bilirubin. In the liver, bilirubin is conjugated with a sugar to form conjugated bilirubin. Conjugated bilirubin is soluble and it is secreted in to the gut. Here it is further broken down and excreted.

The importance of understanding the metabolism of bilirubin is that the split bilirubin test which measures the levels of conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin helps us to diagnose the cause of Jaundice. For example, jaundice due to liver disease usually causes a leakage of conjugated bilirubin in to blood which is detected by the split bilirubin test.

Also, such presence of water soluble conjugated bilirubin will turn the urine yellow, as kidneys try to excrete the metabolite. In cases of obstruction of bile flow due to liver disease or obstruction of bile ducts, the stools changes from the normal yellow color to white or putty color. This is very important to differentiate breast milk jaundice ( where babies pass plenty of colorless urine and golden yellow poo) from other serious causes of long standing jaundice (for example a liver disease where babies may pass dark yellow urine and pale poo).

Jaundice in newborn:

Jaundice is the yellow appearance of eyes and skin . Jaundice is very common in newborn babies. About 90% of babies become jaundiced two or three days after birth.(Jaundice occuring in the first 24 hours after birth is abnormal and must be evaluated by a doctor)

Physiological Jaundice:

When baby is in the mother's womb, his waste products are removed by the placenta. Once baby is born, baby's liver is responsible for metabolism and excretion. But, baby's liver is immature at birth and takes a few days to catch up. A newborn has an excess of short lived red blood cells which have to be removed. Such an increased work load and decreased functioning of immature baby liver can lead on to a surge in the level of bilirubin. This is called physiological jaundice. Physiological jaundice appears after the first 24 hours, reaches peak in 3 to 4 days and gradually disappears in 2 weeks. (Breast milk jaundice, on the other hand appears after 2 weeks and may last until 3 months).

Breastfeeding jaundice:

Breast feeding jaundice (otherwise called 'Not-enough-breast milk-jaundice') is different from breast milk jaundice. This occurs in the first few days of life and is due to infrequent feeding sessions, poor latching and other reasons that causes delay in establishment of breast feeding. The babies may appear dehydrated, passes scanty urine and poo. This type of jaundice can get severe if there is no intervention. The treatment is by encouraging frequent feeding (10 to 15 times per day ), helping the baby to latch properly and breast compression. A lactation consultant can help and support the mother in establishing breast feeding.

Other causes of Jaundice:

Apart from physiological jaundice, breast feeding jaundice and breast milk jaundice described above, babies can also get jaundiced in many other conditions like

Conditions that cause an increased break down of red blood cells : Examples- spherocytosis, sickle cell anaemia, G6PD, Blood group incompatibility etc.
Prematurity :Delayed clearance of physiological jaundice.
Under active thyroid gland: Delayed clearance of physiological jaundice.
Infections: A hidden urinary tract infection or sepsis in blood
Liver diseases- which are rare, but could be serious.
Symptoms of breast milk jaundice:

Breast milk jaundice occurs after 4 to 7 days of life, usually when physiological jaundice has resolved. Interestingly many infants with breast milk jaundice also had an exaggerated physiological jaundice. A second peak by the age of 14 days. After lingering on for a few weeks to months, it resolves by the age of 12 weeks.

Breast milk jaundice is often picked up by the yellowish appearance of skin and eyes during a routine examination of a new born baby during the first week. In dark skinned babies, gentle pressure can reveal the presence of jaundice. A rough correlation between the blood levels of bilirubin and the extent of jaundice is often noted (face- approximately 5mg/dl, mid abdomen-15mg/dl, feet- 20 mg/dl). However the doctor often performs a blood test to diagnose the presence or the extent of jaundice, because visual determination is often very inaccurate. Babies with high level of bilirubin tend to be sleepy.

Breast milk jaundice often runs in families. If a sibling has already had breast milk jaundice, there is greater chance for a baby to have breast milk jaundice. Babies with breast milk jaundice are thriving well, regained birth weight and gaining weight steadily, passing plenty of colorless urine (at least 6 to 8 wet diapers) and golden yellow or daffodil yellow poo.

How is breast milk jaundice diagnosed?

Breast milk jaundice is a diagnosis of exclusion- that is a diagnosis made when other conditions are ruled out.

So if a baby is still jaundiced after 2 weeks, the physician gives a thorough examination of the baby to see if the baby has any congenital abnormality, anaemia, dehydration,bleeding, any enlargement of liver or spleen etc. He enquires about the weight of the baby, number of wet diapers, color of urine and stool and if there were similar complaints with other siblings in their newborn period. He will do a split bilirubin blood test . Other tests, including blood grouping and tests to detect infection may be necessary depending on the clinical presentation. Similarly, with a prolonged course of jaundice, it may be necessary to repeat the blood test to look for a decreasing trend in the levels. Blood levels can also be measured by non invasive techniques like transcutaneous bilirubinometry.

Split bilirubin test determines if the elevated bilirubin is predominantly conjugated or unconjugated (if the conjugated fraction is greater than 20 % of the total bilirubin it indicates liver disease ).

Treatment of breast milk jaundice:

When a diagnosis of breast milk jaundice is made, it is important to allay the fear and anxiety of parents by explaining them the benign nature of breast milk jaundice. There has been claims that breast milk jaundice can be protective for the babies, citing the antioxidant role of bilirubin. Parents should also be counselled for a long period of resolution, as long as 3 months.

Mothers are instructed to breast feed the babies frequently - 12 to 15 times for the first several days. Jaundiced babies tend to be sleepy and may need to be gently waken up for a feed. Lactation consultant can help in establishing and supporting breast feeding. Frequent feeding increases the number of bowel movements that help in excretion of bilirubin.

Although studies have shown that breast milk jaundice can rapidly be brought down by stopping breast feeding (and resuming breast feeding strangely does not cause an increase in blood level to the previous level) interruption of breast feeding is not generally recommended.

If the bilirubin levels gets too high , the baby is treated with phototherapy. Phototherapy can be administered with standard phototherapy units (where the baby is made to lie ,with only diapers and eye pad, on a cot under special blue lights) or wrapped in a bili blanket. The light breaks down the bilirubin and lowers its level. Although sunlight also has the sufficient wavelength to provide phototherapy, the risk of getting a 'sun burn' while exposing the baby to sun prevent some doctors from advising so. Fibre optic phototherapy can often be safely administered at home. Mothers are instructed to feed the baby frequently despite phototherapy.


There is no documented case of high bilirubin level led brain damage (kernicterus) due to breast milk jaundice. Babies are often put on phototherapy well before such levels could be reached.

You must call the doctor immediately if

baby is too sleepy to wake, nurses poorly, is floppy , develops a high pitched cry, arches the back or neck or throws a seizures- these signs indicate that the blood level of bilirubin is dangerously high.
if the baby's poo or urine is not in the right color, irrespective of the age , baby should be investigated.

Breast milk jaundice is very common.
It has an excellent prognosis although it can last for up to 12 weeks.
Interruption of breast feeding is generally not recommended in breast milk jaundice.

How They Assist To Identify Head lice In Children

Not everyone knows what to look for when checking for head lice, so here are a few great examples of pictures of head lice and what you should be looking for as well as what size you can expect them to be.

Interestingly enough, head lice will sometimes be misdiagnosed as dandruff since the two have a somewhat similar look to them.This website page will tell you the best way to discern lice from numerous other unusual and wonderful things that may be found in your child's hair.

Head lice are actually about the dimensions of a sesame seed and can come in a variety of shades from clear white to opaque to brown. After they feed their colouring becomes darker. The males and the females are slightly different in form, but both have got big claws which they use to connect themselves to the head in order to feed. It is these claws that cause the itching and uncomfortableness.

Head Lice can be equally shameful and irritating simultaneously. First, there is no need for being self-conscious mainly because many clean and healthy persons end up with lice each and every day. With today's swift-moving world and most homes having both parents earning a living, a great number of children are placed in day cares or playgroups that may expose them to head lice and various common germs. The unnecessary aggravation, however, could be much more difficult to deal with.

At the first indication of head lice, go to the store and look at every one of the various products and solutions for removing head lice and you could be quickly aggravated by the enormous assortment of possibilities. Do not be, most of the various products are all alike, simply with different packaging. Now whenever you bring the treatment home, you read the recommendations and it does not appear that awful. Following several minutes of putting on the first product and keeping the hair divided, you realize that this could take a while. It's fundamental at this time to fight through this unnecessary aggravation and definitely not consider any kind of shortcuts. Skipped steps at this time will lead to an incomplete treatment and you'll be right back exactly where you began. If you believed you're discouraged before, needing to start over and with possibly more loved ones with their very own case of lice it will be a great deal more troublesome.

Developmental Milestones

Since birth, the following five years of the life of a child is of great significance. The rate of their mental and physical development is so high that it is beyond our normal comprehension to be able to conceive such a drastic rate of development. Therefore, great stress is laid by the child experts upon taking particular care of the child’s mental and physical developments during these vital years of the child’s life because the future of the child is highly dependent upon this period, the initial five years after birth. It is highly recommended for parents that they should consult their family pediatrician very often for the nutritional status of their child during this crucial time of development.

It is very commonly observed that parents consult a pediatrician only when their child is ill and not consult them regularly. For this purpose developed countries have “well baby clinics” where a child is assessed not only for his/her nutritional status, but also for his/her balanced diet, vaccination and behavioral changes, hence the parents are advised accordingly.



Soon after birth, healthy new born babies tilt their heads to one side when they are laid down. They grasp the finger if it is given in their hands, which is called Palmar Grasp Reflex. Their hands are always clenched, elbows are flexed and they give spontaneous smiles. If anything is given in their mouth, they start sucking it. New born babies give startled reactions to sudden loud noises. They are asleep most of the time.


Infants of three months usually lift their head and chest above the surface over which they are laying using forearms as their support in prone position. At this age child starts to recognize his/her mother and few close associations. The child quiets to the sound of rattle, and smiles at pleasurable social contact.


Infants at this age are able to sit with support and can roll over from prone to supine and supine to prone position. These babies take everything in their mouth, and reach to objects with one hand. They show friendly behavior with strangers and vocalize in single or double syllables example; “guu”, “duh”, “aah”.


These babies can sit without any support. They can reach out for toys in which are in front of them. They are able to crawl as well as stand with support but they fall with a bump. The baby usually drops objects and lolls at fallen objects. The baby is imitates clapping and is able to respond to simple orders such as “No”, “Come here”, “Give it to me”. The baby babbles such as; “ba-ba”, “da-da”.


These babies walk with one hand held and can also walk by holding on to some support such as the furniture. One year-old child usually points to desired objects. The child also drinks from a cup or a mug with little help and also needs little help while dressing such as holding out the arm. The child can hold two separate objects separately. The child pays attention when his/her name is called. The child carries out very simple commands successfully, example “come to mama!”, “start clapping!” Excessive saliva production is also reduced.


A child of two years is fully capable of running, maintaining his/her balance and stopping precisely at will. They can climb stairs with one of their hands being held. The child can open doors and cabinets can also kick balls on request. They can also hold a pencil and scribble with it. They can turn pages of a book and often ask the names of various objects. Children belonging to this age group normally join 2-3 words to form a semi-constructed sentence. The child also refers himself/herself by his/her own name. They can verbalize to their toilet needs.


The child at this age is able to learn and then tell his/her name, age and gender. He/she is also able to kick a ball. These children can climb stairs easily and without any support, and can also jump from the last stair step. A three year-old child can walk on tip toe. The child washes his/her hands by own self. The child is also capable of standing on one foot. The child can ride a tricycle. At this age the child begins to show signs of mental intellect. He/she is able to count up to 10 and can also sing nursery rhymes. The child can build a tower of 0-10 cubes. These children are also toilet trained and do not wet their sleeping place at night.


Children from this age group are able to move downstairs with alternating steps and can also climb trees. They can draw pictures of a man with a head, trunk and legs. He/she is can use scissors to cut out pictures. The child needs companionship of other children which marks the beginning of social interaction of the child. The child is also well-trained enough to tell his/her full name, address and age. The child gets to learn the days of the week. He/she is also able to count to 20 and tell different stories. The children are also able to brush their teeth and dress and undress independently.


These children are disciplined enough to walk in a straight line. An enhancement in speaking skills, grammar and speed of speaking is also observed. They can also hop on one foot. They gain increased expertise in games. They also tend to dance on the tunes of music. They can hold anything with a very firm grip. They also gain particular expertise in handwriting and drawing. The child can count on his/her fingers. They are also aware of the 4 basic colors and their names and are also able to recognize 8-12 more colors. The child sings poems with pleasure. They are more affectionate towards younger siblings. They can draw basic shapes such as; square and triangle. They talk particular interest in listening stories and ask more questions about them.

5 Helpful Tips To Prevent Toddler Eczema

5 Infant Eczema Treatments

Here is a helpful list of tips for managing and preventing toddler eczema. Remember the most important step is prevention, this can be achieved by limiting your child's exposure to common triggers and maintaining an effective skincare routine.

Use a good moisturizer or emollient daily. The best time to apply this is straight after bathing to help lock in the skin's moisture. When the skin has eczema symptoms or is overly dry then applying it more than once a day is recommended.
Avoid scratchy materials such as wool which will only make eczema symptoms worse. The best clothing to put your child in are natural ones such as cotton. This allows their skin to breathe and prevents overheating and sweating, two common triggers for eczema in babies.
Stop using harsh soaps, shampoos and detergents and opt for mild, fragrance free ones that are specifically made for sensitive skin. Also avoid fabric softeners as they contain lots of irritants that will be left over on the clothes once they are washed.

Toddler Eczema is extremely common affecting between 10 - 20% of children.
Often seasonal changes can cause toddler eczema to flare up. Temperature extremes are one cause as well as pollen. It is best to consult with an allergist if this is one of the problems to get a good idea of how to deal with seasonal allergies. Again the key is to limit exposure to these environments as much as possible.
A major problem that can also aggravate toddler eczema and lead to infection is scratching. There are a few ways you can help your child avoid scratching or reduce the damage it is causing. Keeping the nails short is an absolute must, giving your child cotton mittens or socks on their hands will also prevent them from scratching.